Master Axie Infinity Origin: Top Buffs, Best Teams, and Tournament-Winning Strategies

7 min read

Master Axie Infinity Origin Top Buffs Best Teams and Tournament-Winning Strategies

Why Losing in Axie Infinity Might Be Your Best Strategy for Winning Tournaments

I love playing Axie Infinity and have spent many hours improving my strategies. The new Axie Infinity: Origin has made me even more excited. It brings new chances for those ready to take on the challenge. Discovering how Axie classes work together and the power of the Double Kotaro team is always exciting.

This guide will share my winning strategies for Axie Infinity and tournaments. It’s great for both new and experienced players. You’ll learn how to master Axie Infinity: Origin and beat the competition. We’ll cover everything from Axie body parts to using top buffs and charms in games.

Key Takeaways

  • Discover the game-changing Double Kotaro Axie team composition and its strengths and weaknesses.
  • Learn how to analyze Axie classes and synergies to build powerful team combinations.
  • Explore top buffs and charms that can give you a competitive edge in the arena.
  • Develop energy management and card counting tactics to outsmart your opponents.
  • Prepare for Axie Infinity tournaments by studying the meta and fine-tuning your team.

Introduction to Axie Infinity Origin

Axie Infinity: Origin is the newest version of the popular blockchain game. It has better graphics, easier gameplay, and new stuff like stamina, runes, and charms. It’s different from the old version (Battles v2) because it gives free starter Axies to new players. This means you don’t have to buy Axies before playing. You can start by making a Sky Mavis account and a Ronin wallet through the Mavis Hub app.

What is Axie Infinity: Origin?

Axie Infinity: Origin is a big step up from Battles v2. It has new features and mechanics that make the game better. Now, there’s a stamina system, runes, and charms. These add strategy and make players think more about how they use their resources. This has changed how Axies are used in battles, shaking up the game.

Key Differences from Axie Infinity Battles v2

Switching from Axie Infinity Battles v2 to Axie Infinity: Origin has made some big changes. Now, Axie Infinity: Origin gives free starter Axies to new players. This means you don’t have to buy them first. The game also has a stamina system, runes, and charms. These add strategy and make managing resources important. These changes have changed how teams are made, battles work, and the Axie Infinity game world.

Feature Axie Infinity Battles v2 Axie Infinity: Origin
Starter Axies Purchase required Free for new players
Stamina System Not present Introduced
Runes and Charms Not present Introduced
Game Modes Battles v2 Revised and updated
Card Mechanics Battles v2 Revised and updated

“Axie Infinity: Origin represents a significant evolution in the Axie Infinity ecosystem, introducing new mechanics and features that will shape the future of the game.”

Building a Powerful Axie Team

To build a strong Axie team in Axie Infinity: Origin, you need to know the game’s class dynamics and Axie stats. Each Axie class – Beast, Plant, Aqua, Bug, Reptile, Bird, Mech, Dusk, and Dawn – has its own strengths and weaknesses. These can be used to your advantage with the right team setup.

Understanding Axie Classes and Synergies

Creating a strong Axie team is all about knowing how different classes work well together. For example, Plant Axies are great at keeping the team safe, while Beast Axies deal a lot of damage. Putting these two together makes a strong defense and offense combo. Aqua Axies are fast, and Reptile Axies are tough, making them perfect for a well-rounded team.

Analyzing Axie Body Parts and Stats

It’s also key to understand an Axie’s body parts and stats to boost its performance. The Pureness Bonus gives extra potential points if an Axie has many matching class parts. Also, looking at an Axie’s base stats like Health, Speed, Skill, and Morale helps find the best role for it in your team.

Axie Class Recommended Base Health Strengths Weaknesses
Plant 55+ Sustain, Defense Low Damage
Reptile 55+ Tankiness, Health Slower Speed
Dusk 55+ Balanced Stats Generalist, No Specialties
Aqua 50-55 High Speed Lower Health
Beast 45-50 High Damage Glass Cannon

By getting to know the details of Axie Classes, Synergies, Body Parts, and Stats, you can make Axie teams that do great in Axie Infinity: Origin.

Mastering the Double Kotaro Axie Team Strategy

The Double Kotaro strategy is a top choice in Axie Infinity: Origin. It uses two Kotaro Axies, which are Risky Beasts. They deal a lot of damage and boost the team’s morale. With Love Potion and other support cards, this team can be very strong.

The Double Kotaro Composition

This team focuses on two Kotaro Axies, which are Risky Beasts. They are known for their high damage and the morale boost they give to the team. With two Kotaro Axies, players can use their abilities together to beat opponents.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Double Kotaro Team

The Double Kotaro team is great at dealing damage and boosting morale. It also controls energy well. But, it can be weak against certain Axie classes, like Aquas, and needs to manage energy well. Risky Beast Axies, like Kotaro, are hard to play and need a good understanding of the game.

To fix its weaknesses, players use support Axies like Love Potion and Morale Boost. This makes the team last longer and be more flexible. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses helps players beat challenges and win in the arena.

Strength Weakness
High damage output Vulnerability to Aquas
Morale Boost for the team Requires careful energy management
Effective energy control Challenging to play

Top Buffs and Charms for Competitive Play

In Axie Infinity: Origin, players can boost their Axies with Axie Charms and Axie Runes. These items improve their skills in competitive matches. Axie Charms are special items that boost an Axie’s damage or lower energy costs. Axie Runes are passive abilities that can be added to an Axie.

Players can get Axie Charms and Axie Runes through the game’s Crafting system. They come in various classes, rarities, and Seasonal Charms. Choosing the best Axie Charms and Axie Runes can help players win in the arena and tournaments.

Top Axie Runes Top Axie Charms
Delayed Protection Poison Touch
Poison Touch Venom Master
Venom Master Pangolin Scale
Pangolin Scale Seasonal Charms

Experts say the best Axie Buffs and Axie Charms for top players are Delayed Protection, Poison Touch, Venom Master, and Pangolin Scale runes, plus Seasonal Charms. These picks boost the power and flexibility of Axie Infinity: Origin teams.

By picking and using the right Axie Charms and Axie Runes, players can beat the competition in Axie Infinity: Origin. The smart use of these buffs is key to making a winning Axie team.

Strategies for Dominating the Arena

To win at Axie Infinity: Origin arena, you need to know how to manage energy and count cards. Players have a limited Axie Stamina that gets refilled every day. They must use their Stamina wisely to last through many battles. Also, understanding the enemy’s card moves helps you make smart choices to beat them.

Energy Management and Card Counting

Playing well in Axie Arena means managing your energy well. Keep an eye on your Axie Stamina and plan your moves to use it wisely. Card Counting is key too. Knowing the enemy’s card moves helps you guess what they’ll do next and plan your response.

  1. Watch your Axie Stamina closely and choose actions that use it well.
  2. Look at the enemy’s card pattern to guess their next move and be ready for it.
  3. Use the Ronin Spirit level to get more energy and keep your team going.

Predicting and Countering Enemy Moves

In the Axie Arena, reading and beating your opponent’s strategy is crucial. Watch their Axie team, card use, and play style to guess their next moves. Then, plan how to beat them.

  • Find out what the enemy’s team is good and bad at to use that to your advantage.
  • Have a variety of cards and abilities ready for different enemy tactics.
  • Be alert and make quick, smart moves to outsmart your opponent.

“Mastering the Axie Arena is a delicate balance of resource management, strategic foresight, and adaptability. By honing your energy management and card counting skills, you can consistently emerge victorious against even the toughest opponents.”

Preparing for Axie Infinity Tournaments

To win in Axie Infinity: Origin tournaments, you need more than a strong team of Axies. You must study the Axie Meta and be ready to change your Team Compositions as needed. Also, Mental Preparation and Mindset Training are key for staying focused, handling stress, and making quick, smart moves in big games.

Studying the Meta and Adjusting Team Compositions

The Axie meta is the top team setups and strategies used by the best players. By looking closely at the meta, you can see what makes the top teams strong and weak. This helps you make smart choices about your team composition. You might change certain Axies, improve their parts and stats, or add new combos to beat the common strategies.

Mental Preparation and Mindset Training

  • Work on staying calm and focused in the high-pressure world of tournaments.
  • Use visualization to practice winning matches in your mind.
  • Learn stress management like deep breathing to keep your cool in tough fights.
  • Keep a positive and flexible mindset, ready to change your plans based on what your opponent does.

Understanding the Axie Meta well, with strong Mental Preparation and a disciplined Mindset, can really boost your chances of doing well in Axie Infinity: Origin tournaments.

“The mental game is just as important as the tactical one in Axie Infinity tournaments. Mastering both is the key to victory.”


Axie Infinity: Origin is a game full of strategy for those aiming to win in the arena and tournaments. It teaches players about Axie classes and how they work together. By learning to build strong teams and use the right buffs and charms, players can get ahead.

Keeping up with the latest in Axie Infinity: Origin is key for success. The Arena Mode lets players practice and compete in three different modes. This helps players improve their skills and aim for the top.

Managing energy well is crucial in the game, thanks to the Energy Burst system. Players can also earn Moon Shards in various ways. This makes Axie Infinity: Origin a deep and rewarding game for all players, from casuals to esports pros.


What is Axie Infinity: Origin?

Axie Infinity: Origin is the newest version of the popular blockchain game. It has better graphics, easier gameplay, and new features like stamina, runes, and charms.

How is Axie Infinity: Origin different from Axie Infinity Battles v2?

The main changes from Battles v2 are stamina, runes, and charms. Also, new players get free starter Axies, so you don’t have to buy them to start playing.

How do I build a powerful Axie team in Axie Infinity: Origin?

Building a strong Axie team means knowing the different Axie classes and how they work together. It’s also key to look at an Axie’s parts and stats. These affect its battle points and how well it fights.

What is the Double Kotaro Axie team strategy?

The Double Kotaro strategy uses two Kotaro Axies. They are Risky Beast class and deal a lot of damage and boost the team’s morale. With the right support cards like Love Potion, this team can be very strong.

What are the top buffs and charms for competitive play in Axie Infinity: Origin?

To improve your Axies for competitive play, use Charms and Runes. Charms add special boosts to your Axie’s cards. Runes are passive abilities that help your Axie too.

How can I dominate the Axie Infinity: Origin arena?

Winning in the arena means knowing how to manage energy and count cards. Keep an eye on your stamina and the opponent’s moves to make smart choices.

What is the key to success in Axie Infinity: Origin tournaments?

Winning tournaments in Axie Infinity: Origin takes a strong team and mental toughness. Study the current trends, adjust your team, and prepare your mind for the competition.